Konkurs literacki „ALL ABOUT …”.
Uczennice Katarzyna Zgoda (kl. I b) , Dominika Krzosek (kl. I b) oraz Patrycja Tyczyńska (kl. II a) wzięły udział w I edycji konkursu literackiego z języka angielskiego dla szkół ponadgimnazjalnych województwa zachodniopomorskiego, organizowanego przez Zespół Szkół nr 6 w Szczecinie, pod patronatem wydawnictwa LONGMAN.
Konkurs polegał na napisaniu pracy prozę lub wierszem na temat „All about the place I live in”. Zarówno tekst epicki jak i liryczny musiały mieścić się w granicach 100-300 słów. Oceniane były walory literackie, bogactwo językowe, słownictwo oraz poprawność gramatyczna.
Prace wszystkich uczennic zostały docenione.
Komisja oceniająca przyznała:
w kategorii proza Katarzynie Zgodzie II miejsce
w kategorii poezja Dominice Krzosek III miejsce
w kategorii poezja Patrycji Tyczyńskiej wyróżnienie
Opiekunem uczennic jest mgr J. Cezary Salamończyk
Uroczyste rozdanie nagród odbędzie się 15 kwietnia o godzinie 14.00. w Zespole Szkół nr 6, w Szczecinie
Prace biorące udział w konkursie:
Katarzyna Zgoda
Charming, cosy and provincial. These three words are – according to me – an appropriate description of the place I live in – Trzcińsko-Zdrój. It is a small town in a north-western part of Poland. A lot of knolls surround a valley, in which it is situated. We owe this picturesque landscape to an enormous glacier, which sculptured our area a long time ago.
Trzcińsko-Zdrój was once one of that German towns, with a lot of old buildings, with ornamental front elevation. They would probably make batter impression, if their owners took care of them, but in the majority, there’s a tendency towards cutting down expenses and getting rid of those precious decorations.
Apart from these advantages, which concern appearance, my town has also a few features, so typical for province. It doesn’t have any cultural entertainments, like a theatre or at least a cinema, which is understandable, because only a few of inhabitants would appreciate it. Another aspect is lack of perspective for intellectual and well-paid work for young people. They don’t see any advantage in further studying after high school and in majority of cases they completely lose their interest in a discipline, which could provide them prosperous life in future. The only activity, that my town can offer to them is to work as a teacher or as an official in a town council.
All those upsides and downsides of living in Trzcińsko-Zdrój make me feel that is the place where I was brought up and that I would really belong here, even if I would be far away.
Dominika Krzosek
"All about the place I live in"
The place I live in
is far from cities and it is Western Pomerania within.
Almost no one knows about Czartoryja
but is so exquisitely here.
Day starts from gentle chrimping of birds
and bright rays of sun, which fall on my face.
When I look over the window
I see magnificent view with subtle glow
of sun, which never goes down.
Greenery's crown
beats of life
and we take care to keep it alive.
There is no place for entertainment
but we do not care.
We do not disturb the environment
because with all of it we would like to share.
Forests, wild meadows, lakes
and other places of rest
You can find right here
without request.
So if You are looking for calm, relax and serenity
come and visit our local society.
Patrycja Tyczyńska
Small but pretty.
Simple but great.
Those are words I can use for describing the place I live.
Pretty village situated in West of Poland.
A lot of trees, cobbled road and a river flows...
That helps me when my head blows.
Everything here makes me feel so calm and safe.
Why? Because I do not have to be afraid of noise that I hate.
Sometimes I wish I could go to the cinema or theatre, but later I watch the most beautiful view and think that is not as necaessary as I thought.
And when I go for a walk with my dog in a summer evening and listen to singing birds I don't need anything more.
Someone can ask me if I can do anything here. I will answer that obviously, I can. Later I can hear question if I like it and my answer sounds: "I love it!"
If I could choose other place to live, I wouldn't change a thing.