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ul. Dworcowa 3
74 - 500 Chojna

tel./faks 091 414 20 29




“Wave”  in Chojna


On the 8th of March 2011 in High School in Chojna took place a meeting, organised by the school European Club Douzelage with the teacher from Kőszeg’s High School, Mrs. Anna Pupp. The meeting was held as a part of a project “Local window on Europe”. Kőszeg is a little Hungarian town, which participates with our school in a „WAVE - Woda - Aqua - Viz - Everywhere”  project. From the 9th to 19th of Mai, the group of 25 Polish students with 4 teachers are going to visit this town. The main topic of this project is water as one of the most component of life. We’re going to show water in poetry, music, art, in transport, etc.
The main reason, why our guest was in Poland, was to teach Polish students some Hungarian words and phrases. 15 lessons took place, on which we’ve had an opportunity to learn some basics of that language and some interesting facts about Hungarian traditions.

During the meeting, Mrs. Pupp focused on Hungary itself and presented us the most popular stereotypes about Hungarian people. She’s also told us about Kőszeg, the town in which the Jurisich  Miklos Gimnazium is situated, where she teaches Hungarian and English. Mrs. Pupp described the attractions, which the city offers. The students were very interested in Hungarian education system and in the differences between their and our school systems.

Our guest had an opportunity to visit Chojna and surrounding places.






The meeting ended with a small gift from Mrs. Pupp, popular Hungarian delicacy. We could also try some local Hungarian dishes.

The only thing we can do now, is  to wait for our visit in Kőszeg in May.  















Anglia Niemcy Węgry


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Festiwal Piosenki Angielskiej

Wszelkie Prawa Zastrzeżone 2007
ZSP Nr 1 w Chojnie